Ecovillage Gathering 2022 | GEN Europe

The European Ecovillage Gathering is the annual ‘Homecoming’ of European Ecovillages and a festival for anyone interested in a regenerative lifestyle. Co-organised in 2022 by GEN Europe, the Danish Ecovillage Network, and GEN Ukraine, the Gathering is the hub for regenerative solutions – whether within land-based practices, ecological building and technologies, or community living. It is a celebration and exploration of the plurality of existing and future communities.

Everyone is welcome to join this Gathering, where we will be connecting and exchanging ideas between different movements and experiences. We would like to share our experiences about ecovillages and learn about your visions of sustainability and regeneration. Maybe you have heard about ecovillages, but never took the leap? We are here to create collaborations, synergies and mutual understanding so that we, together, can create a more diverse, caring and regenerative world.he Gathering will be filled with inspiring, touching and brave speakers; hands-on workshops, and immersive experiences from all areas of the regenerative movement and the heart of ecovillages. You are guaranteed to be inspired for your own practice and for our greater transition.

The theme of this long awaited Gathering is A Regenerative Path. What does a regenerative path look like for you? We are embracing the many different ways of living sustainably, regeneratively and in a more caring way on this planet. Ecovillages will be our laboratories and we will find inspiration in the diversity of the regenerative movement: social justice, permaculture, natural building, Fibresheds and much more. See the programme streams, workshop holders and speakers that you can experience at the Gathering below.FULL PROGRAM –